This website is owned by Teus Vlot.
Personal data
Marine parts supply finds the protection of personal data of its participants, clients and guestsis is crucial for its activities. That is why does the maximum to secure and protect all personal data. We will always comply with all laws regarding privacy. Your personal data will only be used to send you the requested information and via We will also keep you informed on interesting information, activities and offers by We will try our hardest to bear your preferences in mind. If you do not want our information on activities, products and services you can send a letter to
Teus Vlot Diesel & Marine, Baanhoek 182-B, 3361 GN Sliedrecht, The Netherlands. or send an email to All personal data you supply us with is protected in a specially created database. Responsible for this database is: Teus Vlot Diesel & Marine, Baanhoek 182-B, 3361 GN Sliedrecht, The Netherlands. and other websites
On this site you mind find several links to other websites. Marine parts supply is in no way responsible for the content of these sites. We will never accept any liability for the way in which these sites protect your personal data. Read the privacy statement on the site.
Use of cookies
A cookie is a simple, small device stored on your hard disk. uses temporary cookies. These cookies do not contain personal data and are used solely to make navigating our site even easier. If you have turned off cookies in your browser you can still use most of this site. On the website of we make use of cookies.
The way you navigate this site.
On this internetsite, we keep track of the way our international visitors navigate through our information. In this way, is able to improve its services even further every day. This is done solely to see if we can upgrade this site even further for the comfort of our visitors. We can also ascertain if more information is wanted or needed.
Changes reserves the permanent right to make changes in our privacy statement. Read it regularly to keep abreast of any changes.
QuestionsWe would like to stay in contact with you. We hope we have explained our way of looking at privacy. If you have any questions or remarks on our privacy statement, please send them to us: Teus Vlot Diesel & Marine, Baanhoek 182-B, 3361 GN Sliedrecht, The Netherlands. or by email to